Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Legal steroids to boost your energy

By Caleb Lee

Many people these days are taking legal steroids to enhance muscle building. Many forms of legal steroids are available such as androstenedione or andro, 4-andro, 1-test, and 1-AD. These are a great way to boost energy, and strength, plus aid in muscle recovery. They should always be used as advised, in a limited way.

Do you know that androstenedione, was the first legal steroid to be promoted and used by body builders? It could be also called prohorormone, which was first used by the East German athletes to improve their performance. Even today the people belonging to the muscle building fraternity rely on these steroids.

Legal steroids are actually artificially produced and calledanabolic steroids. Anabolc steroids aggravate the protein synthesis in the human body. They can also be taken for building the cellular tissue that supports the muscles. Steroids exert anabolic effect, after enzyme conversion in the liver when you take the steriods.

Legality in the phrase "legal" steroids acutally refers to the reason it is being used. This drug is prescribed by physicians for any number of health problems. Athletes using steroids is considered illegal, however, as it helps the body gain mass quickly, thereby creating an unfair advantage over other athletes.

However, as a precaution, you must not take an overdose of any legal steroid too as this may negatively affect your body. Be careful! As the effect of the steroids, in case of over use may be harmful. You are giving invitation to numerous health problems, whenever you are using them more than the prescribed limit. As a matter of fact this may also account for the increase of bad cholesterol level in your body. Not just that, your blood pressure also increases. It may also be responsible for your heart and liver damage and may result in some dire consequences.

This is the reason that steroids are prescribed in specific dosages. Different states have different laws regarding the legality of steroids. In some states there is strict control on the possession or sale of steroids. There are nations, too, where steriods are in the controlled substances category. In these nations possessing steroids without a prescription is punishable by law. The international sports association has banned the use of steroids by their athletes. However, there are those that use these steroids illegally.

There are different legal steroids around you like mesobolin, tridenosen, dianabol etc that does not affect the hormones directly. In fact, if you talk about tridenosen, they are used for helping the growth of testosterone, growth hormone etc. Moreover it has every quality for being called a good steroid as it is thermogenic, anabolic and also increases the blood movement to skeletal.

In summary, there are legal and illegal steroids, and their purpose determines their status. The side effects of legal and illegal steroids are inevitable. Don't be fooled into manufacturing advertising trying to sell you their product. Consulting your physician and doing research is wise before investing in any steroid. - 16650

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