Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tips and Tricks on Cellulite Removal

By Dallas F Thomas

Trying to lose cellulite can be a difficult experience. There are many products on the market that claim to reduce cellulite but the sheer volume can make it confusing and frustrating. Below you will find some tips that will put you in the right direction in your quest to get rid of your cellulite.

1) Weight Reduction. There is a thin layer of fat that exists straight below the skin. When this skin begins to bulge with excess fat the dimples appear on the skin above. Losing weight can have a dramatic impact on cellulite because this fat is reduced.

If you choose to go on a diet to lose cellulite make sure you do it correctly and don't go to extremes. You can lose a lot of weight simply by eating more fruit and vegetables while removing those bad high sugar or high fat foods from your diet.

2) Cease Smoking. Cigarettes contain large amounts of toxins and these chemicals enter your body's bloodstream, getting trapped inside its cells. Health experts think that these chemicals can increase the appearance of cellulite when they get trapped inside the fat tissue. If you stop smoking you an increase your overall health and reduce the cellulite from the hips, thighs and stomach.

3) Reduce caffeine and alcohol. These two products have a large impact on the accumulation of fat inside the body and the increase in toxicity levels. By avoiding the foods and drinks which contain them you can directly affect you cellulite levels.

4) Increase your water levels. We all know that we should drink more water. What many people don't know is that plenty of water can flush out those toxins that make cellulite worst. This is really a simple and easy tip that can work wonders.

Another advantage of drinking water just before a meal is that it can help you feel more full and you will therefore eat less food. This is a great tip to combine with your cellulite weight loss plan. Diet pills and laxatives can reduce the water levels in your body so you should avoid them.

5) Exercise. When undergoing an exercise regime you should include both cardio and weights in your routine. This will ensure that you will not only burn fat but tone your muscles for less cellulite and a solid foundation for the cellulite that is left over.

6) More fiber. You want to increase your metabolism so you burn more calories during the diet. Taking more fiber in can help you do just that.

While these tips sound easy it really takes a lot of dedication to implement them and stay on track in the long term. Getting rid of cellulite is not an easy task and will require your to keep at it even when you don't see the results straight away.

There are many other treatments available to help you in your task to remove cellulite. A quick list includes treatments such as laser therapy, cellulite cream, radio waves and body wraps. - 16650

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