Thursday, January 1, 2009

Banish those Wrinkles for good

By Nigel James

To look younger, is everyone's hearts desire. But wrinkles stop a person from looking young, revealing the fact that he is older. As old age shows itself, the human body requires the right amount of nutrients. If these essential nutrients and vitamins are not supplied in the right proportion, the body shows tell tale signs of aging in the form of wrinkles.

The right amount of nutrition gives the skin a well toned look. A wrinkle or age line is a noticeable crease on the facial skin. It is the result of aging and improper nutrient intake. Wrinkles in combination with folds of the skin make the facial features unappealing.

In this fast age when people hardly have time for themselves, they are unable to care for their bodies. An old person's skin has fewer fat tissues as compared to his skin in his youth. With age, the skin grows but loses its fat tissues, making it sag and leading to wrinkles.

As a person grows older, the skin gets thinner. Moreover, the worries of life and the physical exertion that one goes through take its toll on the skin. Creases begin to appear and the skin no longer remains flexible. The cheekbones show through the thinning skin.

The everyday actions including eating and chewing, subject the skin to a lot of stretching and pulling, making the aging skin succumb to these pressures, resulting in wrinkles. A practical daily schedule in combination with meditation and the right diet optimizes skin texture, thereby reducing or delaying wrinkles.

To counter aging, there is a vast array of beauty products in the market. Sunscreen not only protects your skin as you move around, it also prevents aging that occurs due to harsh weather conditions. Skin cleansers clean the pores that can gather substances that irritate the skin. The dull look of an uneven skin due to dryness can be countered by a moisturizer. Alpha Hydroxyl Acids (AHA) or fruit acids detach dead skin deposited on the surface leaving your skin smooth and glowing. Apart from all these cosmetics, one thing that really helps wrinkles to stay away is facial exercise. Facial exercise keeps the face muscles well toned giving the skin a firmer look and a younger feel.

As per scientific research, we have learned that when a person grows old, the cells in the body are not renewed at the same rate, as they did when they were young. The growth of cells is uneven as we age, and often we are unable to prevent water retention. All this just adds to the probability of wrinkles developing at a faster rate.

One wishes that he could stop this deterioration of the skin, but the natural process of aging and wrinkling cannot be stopped. Yes, much respite has been seen by those who have resorted to the various formulations created by medical science. Products containing DNA and RNA ingredients have proved to ease off wrinkles. Natural proteins like collagen and elastin that give support and flexibility to the skin have found their way into the containers of many beauty creams. Ceramides and hyaluronic acids found in some creams help hydrate and rejuvenate the skin, thus erasing or delaying wrinkling. - 16650

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