Sunday, January 25, 2009

Facts About Chin Liposuction

By Fred Turman

Cosmetic surgery is becoming the most popular method to acheive the look that many desire. Many women as well as an increasingly amount of men are getting this procedure done. A significant amount of people of all ages and genders are opting to have cosmetic surgery performed. Among the many procedures that are being performed, chin liposuction is one of the simplest.

When seeking to have chin liposuction done make sure that your cosmetic surgeon is one that is licensed and board certified. Chin liposuction is an quick easy and highly effective method for removing excess fat from under the chin area. Chin liposuction can tighten sagging skin and remove excess fat that can enable you to acheive that fabulous chisled jawline that you desire. Many people exercise daily trying to acheive a sleek defined jawline only to acheive minimal results. The tumescent method is used to help people acheive this sleek classic look. The tumescent technique is a method where the surgeon cuts a small incision under the chin. This incision is made using a tool called a cannula and a local anesthetic is used.

The tumescent technique pumps a saline solution below the skin in the area to be suctioned. This solution is a salt saline and a local anestetic is used to numb the area that is being suctioned, and the fat deposits are removed through small tubes called microcannulas. This procedure can be performed with other asthetic procedures. Because of the relatively safe method of removing fat under the chin, the tumescent is becoming a highly pouplar method; however no surgery is without risk and one should always make sure the cosmetic surgeon is licensed and board certified.

When the patient is undergoing chin liposuction they are given a local anesthetic, after the procedure is done a light elastic wrap is given to the patient to wear for a few days. There is light bruising however recovery is relatively quick and many patients are able to go back to work after a few days. - 16650

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