Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dealing with Herniated Discs

By Dr. Randall Pruitt

For people that are suffering from herniated discs, there are several different approaches that are available when it comes to treating these types of problems. This means that the approach to treatment that will be best for you will depend on your exact conditions and previous medical history. In order to figure out the best route for recovery, there are many different things that you are going to want to consider.

Perhaps the first and most important thing that you are going to want to think about is talking with a doctor or medical health professional. There is no replacement for quality, professional care. Talking with your doctor about the pain that you are experiencing is the first thing that you are going to want to do. This will be the best way to go about finding out what your options are for treatment. Once you have done this you will be able to decide from the options that are available to you

Most doctors or medical health professionals recommends going thru a non-invasive treatment. Surgery is usually the last option. Doctors prefer alternative methods because it can eliminate pain associated with herniated discs.

Patients who were diagnosed with herniated disc should know their options for treatment aside from surgery. Surgery is only recommended for patients who has increasing pain and suffers from muscle weakness.

Doctors often prescribe pain relievers such as ibuprofen to alleviate the pain felt by the patient. Prescription should also be accompanied by bed rest to help the healing process. Doctor's may also prescribe muscle relaxants who are suffering from side effects like back spasms. However the effectiveness of these treatment depends on the patient's overall condition.Sometimes this non-surgical treatment may not be effective for you.

If you are reluctant about going for non-invasive method of treatment then consult your doctor immediately. This is crucial esp if you can't stand the pain. Doctors will suggest other method of treatment such as surgery for herniated disc. Know more about your options. - 16650

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