Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gratitude for Reducing Stress

By Deanna Collins

It's so easy to get overwhelmed during these stressful times we are living in. The skill of combating stress is one that we can learn to achieve a heightened quality of life. A very effective way to battle stress is with cognitive redirection as well as focusing on positive aspects of our lives instead of negatives. By acknowledging any good fortunes in our lives, while not allowing problems and setbacks to take over our outlook on life is a simple, yet important way to deal with any stress we may encounter.

It may be easier to feel ungrateful about the bad situations and circumstance we are dealt with than to be grateful for those things we have, and the achievements we have made. Occasionally it takes something disastrous happening to get us thinking about how grateful we can be for the things often taken for granted: a roof overhead, a warm bed and hot shower. By identifying those things we should be grateful for is an exercise in positive thinking, and can actually change the way that we see things, and how it can balance out the effects of stress.

Stress is caused by many factors, but it is defined as a maladaptive state where the individual is not in equilibrium with his or her surroundings. We now know that the distinction between the body and the mind is of limited usefulness. Trauma to the body can affect the mind and negative thoughts can affect the body. Stressful experiences that prompt negative emotions have a direct affect on the chemistry of the body. Our bodies produce hormones and other chemical substances, including adrenalin and cortisol, in response to threat and stress.

Fortunately the opposite also applies. A calming environment and positive thoughts can combat the physical and mental effects of stress. By taking a little bit of time out every day to concentrate on the positive - even as little as five minutes - you can separate yourself from the causes and effects of stress.

Problems can hang over the things going well, leaving a shadow and distorting perceptions. By learning to recognize those gifts of good fortune can drastically change our perspective. For example, we panic about uncompleted work instead of giving ourselves a pat on the back for our achievements. Especially in situations where stress is of a prolonged nature, it could develop into patterns of automatically jumping to negative conclusions. By focusing on those things that make us happy is quite the technique for disrupting that negative pattern of thinking, and thus reducing stress. It can even give our immune system a boost!

If you are tense, stressed and can't see the wood for the trees, it may initially be hard to identify things to be grateful for. It may take practice, but it can be something as simple as a sunny day or a flower blooming in the garden. At first you will probably rely on hindsight but with time you will find it becoming easier.

As you train yourself to recognize how many things you have to be grateful for, you will stop taking these things for granted. Seeing that flower blossoming will immediately trigger the recognition that there is much to celebrate. As you integrate this appreciation into your daily functioning you will discover how the process reinforces positive thinking and with it your capacity to deal with stress. - 16650

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