Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Six Pack Ab Models - How Do They Do It?

By Gerard Lanzona

You've seen them, they're everywhere these days. Demonstrating the latest fitness gadget on TV, on fashion spreads showing-off the new line of swimsuits, even on advertisements for the latest designer scent. Those six pack ab models. And the question on the minds of the countless masses with the soft tummies is: "How do they do it?"

For the multitudes of people spinning away or pumping-iron in gyms all over the world, attaining a well-defined midsection like those of underwear models' has been the Holy Grail of exercising. Contrary to what frustrated millions may think, getting ripped abs is actually not that hard.

Anybody with basic knowledge of the human body's metabolic processes and the right exercise techniques can get washboard abs that rivals those of fitness ad models'. Knowing which food and exercises are the most effective in losing belly fat will enable just about anyone to get a shredded gut. In light of this, secrets of six pack ab models will not be so secret anymore.

Doing exercises that keep your heart rate within your anaerobic threshold (experts call it AT) are most effective in exposing the rectus abdominus by eliminating belly fat. Keeping your heart rate at 60%-70% of your maximum heart rate somehow causes the body to source body fat for most of the energy spent.

Muscle tissue actually expends calories even while inactive. This means the more buffed we are, the more we can fend off body fat. The less body fat we have, the easier it will be to get well defined abdominal muscles- a six pack.

Ab models, as you already know, didn't get their physique from gorging on fatty snacks and gulping down soda. Their diet is not as strict and oppressive as one might think however. Simply substituting chips and chocolate bars for omega-3 rich nuts and fat-burning citrus fruits will help a lot in getting you closer to your goal.

It might make sense to skip meals when trying to do away with belly fat. In reality, foregoing meals (especially breakfast) will be detrimental to your goal. Believe it or not, or body slows down metabolism when we go hungry and this means less percentage of calories from body fat expended.

Knowledge of how our body works, a proper workout program and eating smart- this makes up a recipe for six-pack success that anybody with the right amount of determination can use. - 16650

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