Most people that shell-out their hard-earned funds on expensive ab machines and products touted to produce a six-pack "in no time" learn a painful lesson soon after. They find out too late that a lot if not all of these are just tools to take advantage of society's demand for faster washboard abs.
The human body is designed to store surplus energy from food in the form of fat cells. These are stored mainly around our lower body- our bellies, butts and thighs. This is the main reason eliminating beer bellies and love-handles have been a source of consternation for fitness aficionados since the early days of bodybuilding.
Truth is, the muscles that form the six-pack look aren't any harder to build-up and strengthen than our biceps, traps or pectorals. There's just more frustration in getting six-pack abs because of the stubborn layer of fat covering the contours and striations of the muscle tissue underneath.
Knowing the proper exercises to do, eating the right foods at the right time of the day, and leading a healthy lifestyle can be effective weapons in the fight against The Flab and can drastically reduce the time it takes to attain six-pack abs.
Doing set after set on that expensive ab machine in your pricy home gym or local health club will just be a waste of time if bringing out those ab muscles are your goal. Neither is trying to shrink belly fat by skipping breakfast as this will only slow down your metabolism and make you lose weight from muscle instead of fat.
Experts have discovered that total body workouts that keep the heart rate at a steady rate just below the anaerobic threshold (when you can no longer carry a conversation) are the most effective in burning body fat in the least amount of time. Cardiovascular exercise done over an extended period uses up the most energy from stored fat rather than glycogen which is necessary for muscle development.
A proper diet- one which doesn't necessarily mean cutting-back on intake can also help shorten the path to getting six-pack abs. The trick is to choose which foods you're getting calories from. Eating food high in carb content early in the day or before exercising and protein-rich food after workouts can mean a world of difference in preventing us from packing-on excess calories.
A lot of people have the notion that cutting-back on food intake by skipping meals is the fastest way to lose weight and flatten the tummy. This can in fact be detrimental to losing belly fat because the human body purposely slows down metabolism in order to conserve calories when we start to go hungry. It's actually better to avoid from going hungry and eating just enough whenever we feel like it. - 16650
The human body is designed to store surplus energy from food in the form of fat cells. These are stored mainly around our lower body- our bellies, butts and thighs. This is the main reason eliminating beer bellies and love-handles have been a source of consternation for fitness aficionados since the early days of bodybuilding.
Truth is, the muscles that form the six-pack look aren't any harder to build-up and strengthen than our biceps, traps or pectorals. There's just more frustration in getting six-pack abs because of the stubborn layer of fat covering the contours and striations of the muscle tissue underneath.
Knowing the proper exercises to do, eating the right foods at the right time of the day, and leading a healthy lifestyle can be effective weapons in the fight against The Flab and can drastically reduce the time it takes to attain six-pack abs.
Doing set after set on that expensive ab machine in your pricy home gym or local health club will just be a waste of time if bringing out those ab muscles are your goal. Neither is trying to shrink belly fat by skipping breakfast as this will only slow down your metabolism and make you lose weight from muscle instead of fat.
Experts have discovered that total body workouts that keep the heart rate at a steady rate just below the anaerobic threshold (when you can no longer carry a conversation) are the most effective in burning body fat in the least amount of time. Cardiovascular exercise done over an extended period uses up the most energy from stored fat rather than glycogen which is necessary for muscle development.
A proper diet- one which doesn't necessarily mean cutting-back on intake can also help shorten the path to getting six-pack abs. The trick is to choose which foods you're getting calories from. Eating food high in carb content early in the day or before exercising and protein-rich food after workouts can mean a world of difference in preventing us from packing-on excess calories.
A lot of people have the notion that cutting-back on food intake by skipping meals is the fastest way to lose weight and flatten the tummy. This can in fact be detrimental to losing belly fat because the human body purposely slows down metabolism in order to conserve calories when we start to go hungry. It's actually better to avoid from going hungry and eating just enough whenever we feel like it. - 16650
About the Author:
Should you'd like to lose belly fat and get six pack abs please visit these links for a free video.