Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Beginner's Guide To Fast Weight Loss

By Richard Black

There will be times in your life when you need to lose weight fast. You could, for example, need to lose some weight to fit into a dress that you want to wear for an upcoming wedding or party. Or you may simply want to kick start your new fitness regime by shedding as many pounds as you can in a short space of time.

It is, first of all, wise to remember that looking to achieve rapid weight loss needs a sensible approach. Many people advocate fasting here, specially designed diets that are meant to give you rapid weight loss over a few days and intensive exercise regimes. These options are not meant as long-term solutions and you could become ill if you take things too far for too long a period.

Your body needs a certain amount of food and a certain volume of water every day to function on a basic level. If you don't give your body what it needs for a few days then it simply won't be able to work as well as it should. And, if you are putting it under added pressure such as exercising more than usual then that doesn't help either.

But, if you do want to lose weight fast then you can modify your diet and exercise habits to see some gains over the period of a few days or even weeks. Some people, for example, will see good instant results if they fast for a day and then go on to a low fat diet for a few days. Others will simply cut out all unhealthy foods, eat small portioned low fat meals a few times a day and take up some form of specific exercise or training to try and burn off the fat at the same time.

It is important to remember that dehydration is also to be avoided here as it can cause problems for many people looking to lose weight quickly. In this instance, for example, you might start to exercise more which means that you need to take more water on board to rehydrate your body. But, if you don't do this, then you won't see real weight loss benefits and you could feel quite ill.

Drinking lots of water is also a good option on another level as it can make you feel fuller. So, having a glass of water before you eat a meal will fool your body into feeling more satisfied and you could well get away with eating less which could be useful.

You may also find that modifying your eating habits help. For example, switching to eating four or five smaller meals at regular intervals during the day could promote quick weight loss and try to avoid eating late at night or for a few hours before you go to bed. For some people, using diet supplements such as meal/drink replacements once or twice a day can be helpful for a short period. Eating a lot of fruit and vegetables can be useful here too. - 16650

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