Monday, March 2, 2009

Colon Cleanse for Better Digestive Health

By Sue Thompson

Every year, 4 million people report suffering from constipation. Many of us experience constipation occasionally, but there are those who chronically suffer from this condition. Chronic constipation poses significant health risks and needs to be given special medical attention. There is a way to relieve the discomfort caused by chronic constipation. A colon health cleanse flushes out the impacted waste matter in the colon and bowel. This is what causes the bloated and gassy feeling a sufferer experiences. With the waste matter out, there is noticeable weight loss.

John Wayne, an American actor who made many Western movies, started his career as a slim young man. As he grew older however, he started to put on weight. When he died, hard fecal matter was found on the lining of his intestines which weighed an incredible 60 pounds. This nasty bulk could have been flushed out with a colon cleanse. People who complete a colon cleanse usually lose about 5 - 15 or more pounds.

A person suffering from chronic constipation does not move his bowels everyday. Two movements a day is the healthy frequency. There are some adults who eliminate only twice a week and this can lead to serious medical disorders. Symptoms of chronic constipation last for at least a year and these include the following:

Moving your bowels less than 5 times a week

Feeling that you have not completely eliminated everything after a bowel movement

Straining during defecation

Feeling like you have not completely emptied your bowels even after you eliminate

Constipation is often caused by any of the following: lack of fiber in the diet, lack of exercise, inadequate water consumption, and stress. During stressful situations, our bowel muscles tend to contract at different times. The normal pattern is that muscles in the upper intestinal tract contract as the lower muscles in the bowel relax. However when the bowel muscles relax instead of contract, problems result. Constipation is one of them. This article will not cover how stressed-induced constipation can be treated.

When things happen in which your normal diet and exercise program are altered or interrupted, such as when you travel, constipation can occur. An injury, medical condition or a health problem that results in inactivity can also result in constipation. As people age, their lifestyles or health conditions make them more prone to constipation. This is why there are more elderly people suffering from it than young people. These days however, youths live a more sedentary lifestyle compared to those of the previous generation. They also consume more junk food. This situation is quite alarming, in fact studies have shown that 50% of children are obese!

You can increase your dietary fiber by taking a supplement. You can take it as a pill or mix the powder form with water. These supplements have been proven effective however they can be expensive. A practical and inexpensive way to add fiber to your diet is by eating fiber rich foods. Fruits and vegetables are good sources and great tasting as well. You can find or concoct your own low fat but tasty recipes. There are many ways to have a healthier fiber rich diet without sacrificing the quality of your meals.

Starting a regular exercise routine is always easier said than done, especially if you have been sedentary. The best way to approach it is to begin with something easy. Simple stretching exercises encourage circulation by increasing blow to your body. This will get your metabolism started. Then you can add more, a little at a time. An aerobic activity such as a walking, swimming or biking will improve your endurance and help you burn calories. It does not have to be strenuous at first. You'd be surprised at the dramatic health benefits a simple exercise routine can bring.

The modern diet is causing many problems in our digestive system because of the large amounts of artificial ingredients we consume. This causes our digestive system to become lined with mucoidal plaque which slows it down. This means that waste matter takes a longer time to go through it resulting in constipation.

See your doctor if your constipation lasts for more than two weeks. He can find out what causes your constipation and then can decide which treatment you want based on the options available to you. A colon cleanse together with a diet rich in fiber is one of the best ways to solve the problem.

Observe the frequency of your bowel movements and always make sure your colon and intestinal tract are clean. It's not recommended to take products that contain aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, milk of magnesia, mineral oil and those that have a high fat content. For fiber, your daily dietary requirement is 15 grams a day.

To sum it keeping your bowels regular require three things: being well-hydrated, exercising, eating a diet high in fiber, and using a safe and natural colon cleanser. With these three in place, constipation will not be a problem anymore. - 16650

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